Advanced Batteries & Ceramics Laboratory
(formerly, High Temperature & Energy Materials Laboratory; HTEM Lab), IIT Bombay
List of Instruments
Glove Box 1: For assembling electrochemical cells and storing very sensitive materials which are moisture and oxygen-sensitive
Glove Box 2: Used for storage of synthesized material and to make the moisture sensitive electrodes.
Multi-Beam Optical Stress Sensor (MOSS): Used for monitoring the stress development in thin films in-situ during deposition or application. This instrument has a resolution better than most techniques for stress measurement via substrate curvated and is also nearly insensitive towards vibrations. This is also used for real-time measurements of stress development in electrode materials
Single-channel Potentiostat/Galvanostat: A basic tool for electrochemical cycling under galvanostatic and potentiostatic conditions and for cyclic voltammetry. This potentiostat/galvanostat, in conjunction with MOSS, is primarily used for in-situ stress measurement of electrode materials during charge/discharge
Multi-channel Potentiostat/Galvanostat: Used for galvanostatic/potentiostat cycling, and cyclic voltammetry.
Multi-channel Potentiostat/Galvanostat: Used for galvanostatic/potentiostat cycling, cyclic voltammetry, and electrochemical impedance spectrometry (EIS) studies
Multi-channel battery Tester: Used only for galvanostatic/potentiostat cycling
3-Zone tube Furnance: High-temperature furnace with three heating zones, mainly used for bulk synthesis
Tube Furnace: High-temperature furnace for synthesis in Argon, Oxygen atmosphere and also for calcining the samples
Raising Hearth Furnance: For air quenching of sintered ceramic samples. It can go up to a maximum temperature of ~2123K
Vacuum Oven: For samples and electrodes drying at certain temperatures in vacuum conditions
Ball Milling Machine: For synthesize materials in solid-state route
Grinder/Polisher: Automated advanced grinding/polishing machine, used for polishing and abrasive wear testing of ceramic as well as metallic samples
Coater: For electrode coating
Fume Hood: To prevent the release of hazardous substances into the general laboratory by controlling and then exhausting hazardous and odorous chemicals
Calendaring Machine: Automated calendaring with heating.
Environmental Chamber: Used to do thermal testing of cells.
Pouch cell fabrication set-up